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I co-create happy, healthy, conscious leaders!

Yup, you heard me. We do this thing together. We co-create the leader inside you.

Most days we’re on autopilot.  Doing the same things over and over again.  Acting the same way we've always acted. And we wonder why we are stuck.  We get little blips along the way when we are inspired to create change in our life but then our subconscious mind takes over and we stall out.   We procrastinate and avoid. I think you get what I mean when I say procrastination but avoidance is sneaky. We avoid making decisions. We avoid having that conversation with our partner or our kid or our coworker.  We avoid confrontation. And on and on...

Trust me, I've been there.  I was the queen of autopilot.  

In the past, I wondered why I was so stuck on the daily but totally ignored my heart.   I played the game and went along with the crowd. Following the path I thought was my destiny.  Get that degree. Find husband. Start a career. Be happy. But I felt no passion, no inspiration.  My vibe was off. Sure I loved my work and helping people but I lost my spark and my life felt dull. Not to mention my health was shit.   But I lacked the ability to understand what was really going on. I was surviving my life. I was avoiding the hell out of it.

And then I woke the eff up.

I ran out of excuses and I realized was up to me to change and I had the power to do it.  I wanted to understand myself and learn how to live and thrive. I made some huge changes, one right after the other.  I got out of my marriage, completely shifted my health and lifestyle habits and started meditating. That's when I found out about coaching.  My gut told me to follow this hunch and learn more about this thing called coaching and the next thing I knew, I was jumping head first into a new passion.   After obtaining my certification as a Professional Coach, I left my 9-5 gig and took the leap and launched my business.

Best. Decision. Ever.


If you're reading this, then you get it.  People like you are tired of the status quo and you're interested in personal growth and development.  You see a huge benefit to approaching change through your energy and mindset.  This world is brimming with incredible talent, innovative minds and amazing leaders.  Those people see their success but are hungry to keep growing, keep achieving and take it to the next level.  Energy and Mindset coaching helps them achieve that much faster and with less stress.  I get to help people enhance their vibe and mindset every day.  Nothing could be sweeter. 

My business is bespoke, private coaching for business leaders and owners.  I'm not for everybody and that's cool with me. I'm about being Me and serving so fiercely that we shift our collective story for minority small business owners.  Coaching is about helping my clients to develop solutions that are in alignment with who they are and what they're about. Being able to see how their current mindsets and beliefs are impacting their success is the starting point for lifelong shifts in leadership, profitability, happiness and freedom.”

Brooke Giguere is a Certified Professional Coach, Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner and COR.E Leadership Dynamics Specialist.  Her professional career began as a social worker but her personal journey of breaking the rules to get out of the “beige box” led her to coaching.  Working with business leaders and owners, she guides them in understanding more of who they really are and tune in to a higher level of consciousness.  Her passion is to see the glimpse of genius in her clients, create conscious leaders and guide them into leveraging their mindset and vibe for their ultimate success.